What is gray area drinking?

I define gray area drinking as the space between the extremes of rock bottom and every-now-and-again drinking.
— Jolene Park

Identifying Gray Area Drinking can be difficult. It’s subjective and doesn’t meet the same criteria as severe alcohol use - and it’s very common.

To most people, Gray Area Drinkers appear completely “normal” on the outside. 

They like to have a drink socially, can function normally in their day-to-day lives, and can even have periods of time where they don’t drink at all.

here are some signs you may be crossing into THE Gray Area.

  • Even if you haven’t had a drink recently, you can’t say goodbye to alcohol completely and feel uncomfortable in social situations without it

  • You need a drink to help you relax

  • You struggle with the “voice in your head” that tells you to stop drinking

  • You can’t imagine going out to dinner or for a girls’ weekend without drinking

  • You worry in silence that your drinking may be becoming a habit

  • Your occasional glass of wine has become a nightly “just one (or two)” habit

  • Your kids have started commenting about your daily drinking

A Gray Area Drinking Coach is for people who realize their health and life would be better if they stop drinking.

Gray Area Drinking is a wide spectrum with no “black” or “white” categories, simply lots of space in between, which gives it the appropriate name of Gray Area Drinking.

You’re NOT a Gray Area Drinker if you need more specialized medical help with your alcohol dependency or a medical detox.

You’re a Gray Area Drinker if you CAN and DO stop drinking on your own.

Consider these terms associated with drinking: “social”, “moderate”, “problem”, ”dependent”, “addicted”.

They’re all different and imply varying levels of drinking – yet they all have one thing in common.

They’re in the Gray Area!

It’s challenging to change your drinking habits - especially when they’ve crept up and have been happening for a long time. 

That’s where I can help you. I work holistically, focusing on your gut health, neurotransmitters, and dysregulated nervous system to calm, soothe, and get everything back in balance. I teach you coping mechanisms to deal with the cravings and give you all the tools you need to live an alcohol-free life.

Quit drinking and live your brightest life! 

Does It Get Easier?


Does It Get Easier? 〰️


do you wish it would get easier?
Would you like help?

Your Coaching experience will be…

  • Personalized

    Our initial sessions will be dedicated to assessing your current wellness and creating a personalized plan to fit your unique needs and goals.


    Everyone has pain points when it comes to achieving full-body wellness. I’ll work closely with you to help identify and overcome your triggers.


    Since achieving wellness is more than just exercise and diet, I’ll be guiding you toward other helpful practices such as mindfulness training, aromatherapy, and more. You’ll feel alive, and energized, and your cravings will be gone!

brighten your life




When you work with me, we’ll uncover your ING activity to help replenish your mind and soul while rewiring your brain to stop your cravings.

  • One of the many effective resources I use is an ING activity. An ING activity is something FUN and leisure, that lights YOU up and gets you “in the zone” or in a fun, positive flow. 😊

    As your coach, it’s my job to help you find which ING activities resonate with YOU!


    • An initial call to discover your goals and what you’re struggling with the most

    • You’ll receive an email after the call with a detailed action plan with resources - customized just for you!

    • Supportive, confidential, and individualized coaching

    • 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions via zoom (varies depending on your chosen package)

    • Comprehensive healthy lifestyle assessment

    • Personalized nutrition, mindfulness, and exercise plan to help you reach your goals

    • Daily email check-ins** for support and accountability (**for Gray Area Drinking Coaching only)

    • Post-zoom emails recapping the session with resources to explore

    • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles



Breaking the habit of gray area drinking can be difficult. The need for alcohol sneaks into your life silently, but it takes a firm hold of your body, mind, and emotions.

The problem is the amount of overwhelm, stress, and lack of sleep that comes with trying to "do it all" and the anxiety that comes with drinking.

The Brighten Your Life Gray Area Drinking Coaching Program will help retrain your neurotransmitters, reduce cravings, and regulate your nervous system. So that you can live your best life - alcohol-free!

As a Gray Area Drinking Coach, I work with type A individuals who are prone to perfectionism, have a lot on their plate and rely on alcohol night after night to try and relax.

If you’re sick of letting alcohol dim your light, then together we can Brighten Your Life so you can self-regulate your own nervous system, live an alcohol-free lifestyle, and elevate your life instead of escaping it. 

No alcohol required – start living sober today!

Client Love ❤️

  • "I truly recommend Kristin Horstman to everyone I meet. Kristin, what you were able to help get me through in such a short time is truly amazing and I am so grateful. I could NOT have made it a whole month sober without you, and it just made the time that followed that first month, so much easier."

    Syntia Rabideau

  • "Today is the 30th day! Can’t believe it! It went quicker than I expected, and surprisingly, was easier than I thought! One of the biggest challenges was my mind shift, it was hard to let go of the “here comes the party” title. It's now time to retire that position. Kristin Horstman was definitely a huge help in making it easier! She was a great motivator, reminding me that alcohol is literal poison. She is a skilled and fabulous accountability, health & GAD coach!"


  • “I’m more than halfway through my 30-Day No Alcohol Challenge! Kristin has been so amazing and encouraging and has kept me accountable. It hasn’t been easy, but I can honestly say it feels great on so many levels, and I’m committed to the final outcome. Thank you Kristin!”

    Valerie La Bianca Donofrio

  • "Kristin is thoughtful, knowledgeable and encouraging! We were able to set measurable goals for each session to achieve tangible results. She also gave good tips and techniques for falling back asleep in the middle of the night which was so helpful to me."

    Amy F

  • "I’ll be forever grateful that I signed up with Kristin! Over the last couple of years, I’ve tried various coaches, multiple AF apps, therapy, and retreats, but nothing seemed to help or to regulate my nervous system - until I worked with Coach Kristin! My mind used to be in chaos. In just seven weeks with Kristin, I've experienced a considerable change. Our weekly sessions, daily check-ins, and the somatic techniques Kristin taught me have been the key elements in shifting from being overwhelmed to a calmer, happier mind. My relationships with my daughter, fiancé, and co-workers have all improved because my headspace is now calm and less reactive. Coach Kristin and her amazing 1:1 Gray Area Drinking Coaching program made all the difference. I recommend Kristin’s program for anyone wanting to brighten their life!"

    Lindsay Grider

  • “I had the most interesting conversation with Kristin. We spoke about health, mind, body and the impact of different food and drinks on our bodies. It was a wonderful twist on how to look at what and how you consume. Kristin will be a true new leader in this field!”

    Valerie La Bianca Donofrio

  • "Kristin is very nice to work with. She is open, so easy to talk, and extremely knowledgeable about health and anything related to sobriety. My main reason for reaching out to Kristin was because I needed accountability. Knowing that we would be emailing daily was very helpful to me and I really appreciated her thoughtful responses that were also full of interesting resources related to health, sleep, and sobriety."


  • "Working with Kristin was such an amazing experience from the beginning. Kristin has such an openness about her that I knew right away she would be the coach for me. During all of our time together, Kristin always took the time to listen to me like I had never felt before. It’s hard to explain how vulnerable I was able to be, which has always been such a challenge. But Kristin supported me and created such a great space to explore whatever was on my mind. Working with Kristin helped me build a lot of confidence as I had set some pretty big goals for myself. Kristin helped me keep focused and develop a plan that kept me moving forward instead of getting stuck or giving up. I would definitely recommend Kristin if you are looking for a coach!"

    Ben C.

  • "I could NOT have made it through my first month of not drinking without a GAD Coach!! Kristin was extremely helpful and a God-send. The daily check-ins and accountability to someone other than myself were exactly what I needed in order to start this new journey. It takes a good support system to stay on track. I didn't think I needed help from anyone, but, the more support you have the better. And not just people, but hobbies as well, and forming new habits. I also learned a lot about different techniques to make it through cravings, and even how to successfully make it through stressful situations (ie, work stress), in order to find calmness again, before the stress would build enough to bring on the alcohol cravings."

    Syntia Rabideau

  • "If you're considering GAD Coaching, I'd say just give the free phone consultation with Kristin a shot! That way you can dip a toe in and see if you like the water before you dive in. I really liked Kristin's approach and her recommendations for quit lit and podcasts to complement her coaching. Kristin checks in daily via email and that daily contact was so helpful!"

    Georgia B.


Gray Area Drinking is a sneaky nemesis that can work against your overall health and happiness.

During your 1-month Gray Area Drinking Coaching, we delve deeply into all the aspects of your life that are triggering or challenging you.

In weekly zoom calls, we discuss the issues, and I provide caring, non-judgmental, supportive help, advice, and tools to help you beat your nemesis.

  • Includes:

    • An initial 90-minute planning call to discover your over-arching goal.

    • You’ll receive an email after the call with a detailed action plan with resources - customized specifically for you!

    • 4 x 50-minute Coaching Sessions (weekly via Zoom) Total 5 sessions

    • Daily email check-ins for support and accountability

    • Post-zoom emails recapping the session with resources to explore


    • Pay in Full USD $450 per month (Total cost paid in advance)

    In the event of the Client’s absence or withdrawal, for any reason whatsoever, the Client will remain responsible for the pro rata share of the program that has been delivered, plus a cancellation fee of $50.


The extra ongoing monthly support is a game-changer for clients who are truly committed to long-term, meaningful change and are determined to change their life from just ‘existing’ to a life that is thriving with health and happiness!

  • Includes:

    • An initial 90-minute planning call to discover your over-arching goal.

    • You’ll receive an email after the call with a detailed action plan with resources - customized specifically for you!

    • 8 x 50-minute Coaching Sessions (1 x weekly via Zoom) per month. total 9 sessions

    • Daily email check-ins for support and accountability

    • Post-zoom emails recapping the session with resources to explore


    Option 1: Pay in Full

    • USD $800 (Total cost paid in advance)

    Option 2: Tiered Payment Plan*

    • 1st Month: USD $500

    • 2nd Month: USD $350

    • Total Program Cost: USD $850

    • *Auto-pay set-up is required for all payment plans

    In the event of the Client’s absence or withdrawal, for any reason whatsoever, the Client will remain responsible for the pro rata share of the program that has been delivered, plus a cancellation fee of $50.


To truly break out of the Gray Area Drinking cycle and live a life of freedom, it’s essential to absorb and embrace all the learnings, practices, and strategies you learn in the early coaching sessions.

During our 90-Day Gray Area Drinking Coaching Program, we do exactly that. The work is powerful, deep, and life-changing. You leave the program with exactly the mindset, tools, and practices you need to maintain a sober lifestyle.

  • Includes:

    • An initial 90-minute planning call to discover your over-arching goal.

    • You’ll receive an email after the call with a detailed action plan with resources - customized specifically for you!

    • 12 x 50-minute Coaching Sessions (1 x weekly via Zoom). Total 13 sessions

    • Daily email check-ins for support and accountability

    • Post-zoom emails recapping the session with resources to explore


    Option 1: Pay in Full

    • USD $1,200 (Total cost paid in advance)

    Option 2: Tiered Payment Plan*

    • 1st Month: USD $550

    • 2nd Month: USD $400

    • 3rd Month: USD $350

    • Total Program Cost USD $1,300

    • *Auto-pay set-up is required for all payment plans

    In the event of the Client’s absence or withdrawal, for any reason whatsoever, the Client will remain responsible for the pro rata share of the program that has been delivered, plus a cancellation fee of $50.