are you struggling with your health?

Lady happy on a jetty at sunset after getting sober
fruit in water

If you’ve been experiencing sickness, fatigue, depression, pain or weight issues, your body isn’t working as it should. There are many reasons for these health issues, and sometimes working with a Health Coach can help.

As your Health Coach, I support you through diet and lifestyle changes to help you feel the best you can and live a brighter, happier life.

Health coaching isn’t a set formula. It’s always a highly individualized process. In my Health Coaching Program, I focus on bio-individuality – the idea that we’re all different and have unique dietary, lifestyle, emotional, and physical needs. In other words, I don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to health and wellness.

So, I work with you to help you discover how to fuel your body, live a healthy lifestyle, and become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself by finding exactly what works for you.  

Living your best - most healthy life - can start today.

“Certified Health and Wellness Coaches apply clearly defined, contemporary knowledge and skills to work with individuals and groups in a client-centered process, mobilizing internal strengths and external resources and empowering the client to achieve self-determined goals of sustainable belief and behavior change related to health and wellness in all of its aspects – physical, mental, relational, emotional, spiritual, and environmental.”

The NBHWC Definition of Health and Wellness Coaching

Client Love ❤️

  • "I truly recommend Kristin Horstman to everyone I meet. Kristin, what you were able to help get me through in such a short time is truly amazing and I am so grateful. I could NOT have made it a whole month sober without you, and it just made the time that followed that first month, so much easier."

    Syntia Rabideau

  • "If you're considering GAD Coaching, I'd say just give the free phone consultation with Kristin a shot! That way you can dip a toe in and see if you like the water before you dive in. I really liked Kristin's approach and her recommendations for quit lit and podcasts to complement her coaching. Kristin checks in daily via email and that daily contact was so helpful!"

    Georgia B.

  • "Today is the 30th day! Can’t believe it! It went quicker than I expected, and surprisingly, was easier than I thought! One of the biggest challenges was my mind shift, it was hard to let go of the “here comes the party” title. It's now time to retire that position. Kristin Horstman was definitely a huge help in making it easier! She was a great motivator, reminding me that alcohol is literal poison. She is a skilled and fabulous accountability, health & GAD coach!"


  • “I’m more than halfway through my 30-Day No Alcohol Challenge! Kristin has been so amazing and encouraging and has kept me accountable. It hasn’t been easy, but I can honestly say it feels great on so many levels, and I’m committed to the final outcome. Thank you Kristin!”

    Valerie La Bianca Donofrio

  • "Kristin is thoughtful, knowledgeable and encouraging! We were able to set measurable goals for each session to achieve tangible results. She also gave good tips and techniques for falling back asleep in the middle of the night which was so helpful to me."

    Amy F

  • "I’ll be forever grateful that I signed up with Kristin! Over the last couple of years, I’ve tried various coaches, multiple AF apps, therapy, and retreats, but nothing seemed to help or to regulate my nervous system - until I worked with Coach Kristin! My mind used to be in chaos. In just seven weeks with Kristin, I've experienced a considerable change. Our weekly sessions, daily check-ins, and the somatic techniques Kristin taught me have been the key elements in shifting from being overwhelmed to a calmer, happier mind. My relationships with my daughter, fiancé, and co-workers have all improved because my headspace is now calm and less reactive. Coach Kristin and her amazing 1:1 Gray Area Drinking Coaching program made all the difference. I recommend Kristin’s program for anyone wanting to brighten their life!"

    Lindsay Grider

  • “I had the most interesting conversation with Kristin. We spoke about health, mind, body and the impact of different food and drinks on our bodies. It was a wonderful twist on how to look at what and how you consume. Kristin will be a true new leader in this field!”

    Valerie La Bianca Donofrio

  • "Kristin is very nice to work with. She is open, so easy to talk, and extremely knowledgeable about health and anything related to sobriety. My main reason for reaching out to Kristin was because I needed accountability. Knowing that we would be emailing daily was very helpful to me and I really appreciated her thoughtful responses that were also full of interesting resources related to health, sleep, and sobriety."


  • "Working with Kristin was such an amazing experience from the beginning. Kristin has such an openness about her that I knew right away she would be the coach for me. During all of our time together, Kristin always took the time to listen to me like I had never felt before. It’s hard to explain how vulnerable I was able to be, which has always been such a challenge. But Kristin supported me and created such a great space to explore whatever was on my mind. Working with Kristin helped me build a lot of confidence as I had set some pretty big goals for myself. Kristin helped me keep focused and develop a plan that kept me moving forward instead of getting stuck or giving up. I would definitely recommend Kristin if you are looking for a coach!"

    Ben C.

  • "I could NOT have made it through my first month of not drinking without a GAD Coach!! Kristin was extremely helpful and a God-send. The daily check-ins and accountability to someone other than myself were exactly what I needed in order to start this new journey. It takes a good support system to stay on track. I didn't think I needed help from anyone, but, the more support you have the better. And not just people, but hobbies as well, and forming new habits. I also learned a lot about different techniques to make it through cravings, and even how to successfully make it through stressful situations (ie, work stress), in order to find calmness again, before the stress would build enough to bring on the alcohol cravings."

    Syntia Rabideau

LIVE YOUR BRIGHTEST LIFE with health coaching

  • In today’s busy world with demanding jobs, endless technology at our fingertips, easy access to fast food, and an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, we are becoming unhealthier than ever before. Unfortunately, this is increasing the burden on the healthcare system, hospitals, and even close family members to care for people suffering from the effects of this lifestyle phenomenon.

    But why not change the conversation? Why not focus on prevention – rather than trying to treat disease?

    Most diseases are avoidable with the correct diet and lifestyle changes.

    This is where a Health Coach is vital in ensuring you live a happy, long, and healthy life.

    Health Coaches focus on preventing ill health while also focusing on positive forward life growth and movement. It’s an overall health and wellness approach based on both science and personal experience.

    We look at what is needed to nourish your body, mind, and spirit and how important movement is to fully support a healthy body. All to enhance and improve your overall quality of life.

    Brighten Your Life Health Coaching takes an integrated approach to your health. That means we don’t just focus on food and exercise. Instead, we take a whole body-mind-soul nourishment perspective. We identify where you are richly supported or where there are imbalances in your life.

    This includes what impacts your career, relationships, physical activity, and the metaphysical (spiritual) may have on your life.

  • Working with a qualified Health Coach may help improve health outcomes in:

    • ADHD

    • Asthma

    • Cancer survivors

    • Chronic pain

    • Heart disease

    • Diabetes

    • Osteoporosis

    • Physical activity

    • Healthy weight

    • Create your overall health goals

    • Learn how to become aware of your feelings, mindset, and behaviors that cause you to make ‘unhealthy’ choices

    • Discover how to replace those ‘unhealthy’ choices with a new focus on total wellness

    • Be guided to find dietary solutions that work for you – because everyone has unique needs

    • Identify the areas in your life causing the most stress and anxiety, then learn techniques to manage and relieve these symptoms

    • Learn how to embrace your healthy new lifestyle

    • Importantly, you’ll understand what to do when you slip backwards and how to get back on track – we call that a ‘lifestyle shift’

    • Feel empowered to take control of your health

    • Plus, you’ll be held accountable to make sure you reach your health goals

    • All while having fun in a safe, supportive environment

  • The goal is for you to enjoy reduced stress, a healthy weight, a clear mind, high energy levels, healthy relationships, and a confident, positive approach to your life.

For more information on Health Coaching and how it can help you, we have some helpful information on our FAQs page.

bridging the gap

health coaching creates strategies for long-term health and wellness


Yello metal wall




    • An initial call to discover your goals and what you’re struggling with the most

    • You’ll receive an email after the call with a detailed action plan with resources - customized just for you!

    • Supportive, confidential, and individualized coaching

    • 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions via zoom (varies depending on your chosen package)

    • Comprehensive healthy lifestyle assessment

    • Personalized nutrition, mindfulness, and exercise plan to help you reach your goals

    • Post-zoom emails recapping the session with resources to explore

    • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles

  • “I’m more than halfway through my 30-Day No Alcohol Challenge! Kristin has been so amazing and encouraging and has kept me accountable. It hasn’t been easy, but I can honestly say it feels great on so many levels, and I’m committed to the final outcome. Thank you Kristin!”

    Valerie LaBianca Donofrio

  • "Kristin is thoughtful, knowledgeable and encouraging! We were able to set measurable goals for each session to achieve tangible results. She gave good tips and techniques for falling back asleep in the middle of the night which was so helpful to me."

    Amy F

  • “I had the most interesting conversation with Kristin. We spoke about health, mind, body and the impact of different food and drinks on our bodies. It was a wonderful twist on how to look at what and how you consume. Kristin will be a true new leader in this field!”

    Valerie LaBianca Donofrio

  • Maybe you have a creative project to share with the world

    Quote Source

  • "Today is the 30th day! Can’t believe it! It went quicker than I expected, and surprisingly, was easier than I thought! One of the biggest challenges was my mind shift, it was hard to let go of the “here comes the party” title. It's now time to retire that position. Kristin Horstman was definitely a huge help in making it easier! She was a great motivator, reminding me that alcohol is literal poison. She is a skilled and fabulous accountability, health & GAD coach!"




Through my personalized coaching, I’ll work alongside you, giving you the support, guidance, motivation, and tools you need to change UNHEALTHY habits, improve your mindset, and enhance your overall well-being.  

Whole body, mind, and soul health. 

Together, we’ll implement positive and healthy changes to help you feel your best and achieve your diet and lifestyle goals so you can live your brightest future.

I focus on bio-individuality – the idea that we’re all different and have unique dietary, lifestyle, emotional, and physical needs. In other words, I don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to health and wellness. 

You’ll feel empowered, motivated, and able to manage your eating and lifestyle choices long-term to live an energetic and vibrant life.

If you want to enjoy good nutrition, reduce your weight, relieve chronic stress, quiet your busy mind, and curb unhealthy cravings, Health Coaching can help.

Your future is bright – start your health coaching with me!



Over 3 months, we work together to determine your health goals, then make a plan and take action to achieve your goals.

Packed full of life-changing value and support, the 3-month Health Coaching Program will have you re-energized, focused, and supported as we work deeply through the physical, mental, and emotional barriers that are holding you back from a healthy life.

We create a plan to fit your personality, lifestyle, and health goals. You’ll learn how to effectively manage your cravings and mindset and enjoy a new, healthy, and happy way of life.

I will give you the guidance, support, encouragement, and accountability you need to meet your goal commitments – and live a bright life!

  • Includes:

    • An initial 50-minute call to discover your over-arching goal.

    • You’ll receive an email after the call with a detailed action plan with resources - customized specifically for you!

    • 2 x 50-minute coaching sessions (via zoom) each month for 3 months. Total of 6 Coaching Sessions*

    Each session will include:

    • A discussion of your progress

    • Recommendations

    • Notes on the session for you to refer to whenever you need

    • A variety of resources that may include:

    o Handouts

    o Recipes

    o Book recommendations

    o Articles

    o Video links

    o Other materials

    *Please note: The program expires if all sessions have not been completed within two months after the specified End Date of your program


    Option 1: Pay in Full

    • USD$610 (Total cost paid in advance)

    Option 2: Payment Plan*

    • USD $225 per month* for a 3-month commitment

    • Total Program Cost USD$675

    • *Auto-pay set-up is required for all payment plans

    In the event of the Client’s absence or withdrawal, for any reason whatsoever, the Client will remain responsible for the pro rata share of the program that has been delivered, plus a cancellation fee of $50.


The 6-month Health Coaching Program offers the same life-changing value and support as our 3-month Health Coaching Program, however, with more focus on embedding your learnings and turning them into new, automatic habits.

The extra ongoing support is a game-changer for clients who are deeply committed to long-term, meaningful change.

Enjoy feeling re-energized, focused, and supported as we work through the physical, mental, and emotional barriers that are holding you back from a healthy life.

We create a plan to fit your personality, lifestyle, and health goals. You’ll learn how to effectively manage your cravings and mindset and enjoy a new, healthy, and happy way of life.

I will give you the guidance, support, encouragement, and accountability you need to meet your goal commitments – and live a bright life!

  • Includes:

    • An initial 50-minute call to discover your over-arching goal.

    • You’ll receive an email after the call with a detailed action plan with resources - customized specifically for you!

    • 2 x 50-minute coaching sessions (via zoom) each month for 6 months. Total of 12 Coaching Sessions*

    Each session will include:

    • A discussion of your progress

    • Recommendations

    • Notes on the session for you to refer to whenever you need

    • A variety of resources which may include:

    o Handouts

    o Recipes

    o Book recommendations

    o Articles

    o Video links

    o Other materials

    *Please note: The program expires if all sessions have not been completed within two months after the specified End Date of your program


    Option 1: Pay in Full

    • USD$1053 (Total cost paid in advance)

    Option 2: Payment Plan*

    • USD $195 per month* for a 6-month commitment

    • Total Program Cost USD$1,170

    • *Auto-pay set-up is required for all payment plans

    In the event of the Client’s absence or withdrawal, for any reason whatsoever, the Client will remain responsible for the pro rata share of the program that has been delivered, plus a cancellation fee of $50.