Our FAQ’s are full of great information

answers to the most commonly asked questions.

HOw is coaching different from therapy or counseling?

  • Collaborative approach

  • The client is the expert

  • Solution-focused

  • Holistic learning model embracing self-development and long-term improvement

  • Paradigm of possibility – looking forward with hope and joy

  • Asks 'How' we can grow, improve, and change


  • Counselor led approach

  • Therapists or Counselors are the experts

  • Problem-focused

  • Goal model looks to restore the client to a pre-determined level of functionality

  • Paradigm of pathology – diagnosing problems

  • Asks 'Why' we should grow, improve, and change


What is neuroplasticity?

The brain is so clever and is always trying to protect you!  

In simple terms, neuroplasticity is the brain responding to events in your life by relearning and strengthening the critical connections inside your brain to keep you safe and happy.  

It is through this 'rewiring' that you can heal yourself from years of long-term alcohol use and instead live your life with a healthy and strong mindset.

gray area drinking coaching

  • Absolutely not.

    I'm a firm believer that YOUR long-term goal is up to YOU.

    When I started Gray Area Drinking coaching as a client myself, I was overwhelmed by the concept of forever. However, Jolene Park took off the pressure by helping me just focus on the 90-day commitment I had made. By week 1, though, I can tell you that the concept of forever went from daunting to comforting.

    I just ask that you remain alcohol-free while we're working together.

  • I have trained under Jolene Park's successful and effective NOURISH method.

    We will focus on helping you live a mindful life rather than a reactive one. Through your Gray Area Drinking training, you will learn techniques to replenish your neurotransmitters, rewire your learned stress responses, and retrain your nervous system.

    Instead of having unhealthy cravings, your brain will learn to seek things that are good for you.


How is a Health Coach Different From a Registered Dietitian (RD)?


  • Health Coaches are trained to help clients reach their health goals

  • Health coaches provide a safe space for you to explore different options to improve your health

  • Health coaches are part of your overall healthcare team but are NOT Doctors and can't treat or diagnose health problems

  • Health coaches work on mindset and changing old unhealthy patterns for new healthy ways of living

  • Health coaches are trained in coaching plus foundational nutrition


  • Registered Dietitians are food and nutrition experts

  • Registered Dietitians work in Hospitals, healthcare facilities, community and other public health settings and private practice

  • Registered Dietitians administer medical nutrition therapy as part of the healthcare team

  • Registered Dietitians counsel clients on nutrition issues and healthy eating habits through nutritional programs, often working in conjunction with your doctor or health care professional

  • Registered Dietitians hold a bachelor's degree plus have completed other national certifications administered by the CDR

  • Not at all. I firmly believe that YOUR health goals are up to YOU.

    This is a non-judgmental zone, and I support everyone on their own journey.

  • Health Coaches focus on prevention rather than cure. We help you recognize and understand habits and behaviors causing you to feel unwell or not live as healthy as you can be.

    We help retrain your brain to replace negative habits with positive ones so you can live a happy, healthy life.

  • Health Coaches work with your current mindset and situation. We discuss what's troubling you with your health and strategize together to formulate a plan to achieve your health goals.

    We always focus on long-term change and positive growth.

  • As an IIN Coach, I believe a holistic approach to wellness begins with the concept of bio-individuality. While a paleo diet may work well for one person, a raw vegan diet might be better for someone else. The key is finding what works for you.


    • An initial call to discover your goals and what you’re struggling with the most

    • You’ll receive an email after the call with a detailed action plan with resources - customized just for you!

    • Supportive, confidential, and individualized coaching

    • 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions via zoom (varies depending on your chosen package)

    • Comprehensive healthy lifestyle assessment

    • Personalized nutrition, mindfulness, and exercise plan to help you reach your goals

    • Daily email check-ins** for support and accountability (**for Gray Area Drinking Coaching only)

    • Post-zoom emails recapping the session with resources to explore

    • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles

more questions?

Book a FREE call and I’ll be happy to answer further questions you have.