The Healing Power of Mammals: Co-Regulation for Stress Relief, Resilience and Emotional Balance

Aurora, English Cream Golden Retriever. First day home as a puppy.

“Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them, filling an emptiness we didn’t know we had.”

- Thom Jones


Well, it's not just dogs, but a whole lot of our furry and finned friends who do that!


The Power of Healing through Co-Regulating with Mammals

Life, as we know it, is like a rollercoaster ride. It's full of highs and lows, twists and turns, filled with moments of pure joy, love, and adventure, while also peppered with hurdles, heartaches, and uncertainties.

Sometimes, you might find yourself stuck in gray areas of life, wrestling with addictive behaviors or emotional turbulence. But remember, it's okay to feel all the feels. Our emotions and mental health are bound to ebb and flow with life's tides.

And guess what can make this journey easier? Connection! And no, I'm not talking about Wi-Fi. It’s our fellow mammals!

From the ever-loyal dog to the playful dolphin, these beautiful creatures can be a balm for our emotional well-being.

My sweet fur baby, Aurora 💕, showed up in my life right when I needed her most. 💕


As I've shared before in previous blogs ("Celebrating Love: Togetherness Through Thick & Thin" and "Breaking the Cycle of Substance Abuse: The Power of Science & Kindness"), my husband's love and support were crucial to my recovery. Besides sticking by my side no matter what, one of the most important things that he did for me was bringing my beautiful English Cream Golden Retriever into my life.

We had wanted a dog for a long time, but it never seemed to work out. Traveling was especially important to us over the years, and so that was something that had held us back, but in the Fall of 2019, when I was still very much in the struggle, Evan started desperately searching for emotional support dogs.

He didn't find exactly what he was looking for. However, he did come across a husband and wife breeder that offers different levels of command training. Life was stressful enough at that time, so getting a pooch with some basic training was huge. I'll never forget the day that he said to me, "Hey! Wanna get a puppy?!" My eyes grew wide, and my heart leapt for joy, and I shouted a resounding "YES!"

He then proceeded to show me a picture of the most stunning litter of puppies I had ever laid eyes on.

I fell in love INSTANTLY. I spent hours pouring through the website, letting my intuition guide me, much like when I was five years old, choosing the first golden retriever I ever had from a family friend's litter of goldens.

Once I knew which puppy was meant for us, we immediately started to think about names and eventually landed on Aurora, inspired by "Sleeping Beauty."

Not long after that, we arranged for a trip to meet our little girl for the first time in November, 2019, and on January 7, 2020, she came home. 😍

For the first time in a LONG time, I felt happiness, joy, and optimism for the future. It was an incredible turning point in my recovery and my life, and I will be forever grateful for Evan's creative and bold move to bring a furbaby into our family. 🥰🙏

The Science of Co-Regulation: How Mammals Help Us Find Emotional Balance

Emotional co-regulation is the process of adjusting your emotions through interactions with other beings. This isn’t reserved only for human interactions. Research suggests that humans and mammals share similar primary emotional states, leading to co-regulation.

This beautiful synchronization regulates stress responses, reduces feelings of loneliness, and enhances overall emotional well-being.

Be it the heartbeat of a content dog, the graceful movements of dolphins, or the gentle nuzzling of horses – these interactions release oxytocin, dopamine, and other "feel-good" hormones that foster emotional stability.


🐶 🐾 Paw Therapy (More Than Just a Furry Friend): The Therapeutic Role of Dogs in Emotional Regulation  ❤️

Pure oxytocin! Aurora and Kristin Horstman, Brighten Your Life Coaching


Dogs are known for their loyalty and affection and have an innate ability to sense our emotions. Often, dogs are trained as support animals for people dealing with PTSD and epilepsy among other conditions. These ‘therapy dogs’ have transformed the lives of their owners by supplying comfort and helping to relieve their stress and anxiety. Support dogs can even detect seizures before they occur giving warning to their owner so they can prepare for and potentially reduce the impact of the seizure.    


🌊 A Sea of Emotions: Dolphins, Whales, and the Healing Power of Connection

Our connection with mammals doesn’t end on land. The sea is home to creatures that share a profound bond with us. Dolphins and whales have a natural affinity with humans and are loved for their intelligence and empathetic nature. They’ve even been known to help humans in trouble at sea.

Interacting with these majestic mammals has been linked to reduced anxiety, enhanced mood, and improved emotional resilience and relaxation.


Feline Friends and Equine Allies: Expanding the Circle of Emotional Support


Cats, with their sometimes aloof presence, also contribute to emotional well-being. The calming purr of a cat can lower blood pressure and stress. Horses too, have deep souls. Have you ever looked into the deep brown eyes of a horse and at once felt connected? It’s powerful! Therapeutic settings offer a unique partnership, helping to heal emotional wounds and build trust in fragile humans.


Nature's Gift: Unveiling the Healing Bond Between Humans and Mammals


The bond between humans and other mammals is warm and powerful and transcends language barriers. Spending time in nature and interacting with mammals triggers a sense of interconnectedness, enhancing feelings of purpose and belonging.

With animals by our side, life is more enjoyable, calmer and full of adventure. They help us to refocus our thoughts and emotions onto more positive tracks. I mean, who can look at a dog bounding along, full of joy at the smallest of things and not start to smile?


From Gray Area to Radiant Sobriety: How Mammals Help in Overcoming Addictive Patterns

Gray area drinking can lead to serious health issues and disrupt your life. And the journey from gray area drinking to sobriety is often challenging and complex.

As a health and wellness coach specializing in gray area drinking coaching, I've seen firsthand how pets can play a significant role in recovery.

The great thing about getting a new puppy was that I already started feeling a sense of happiness again before she even showed up! Planning for her arrival (picking out a leash, buying toys, figuring out the perfect spot for her water bowl, etc.) stirred up some much-needed zest for life, and it is definitely not a coincidence that I made huge gains in my sobriety in 2020.

The last thing I ever wanted to do was scare her or put her in harm's way, so I worked really hard to avoid drinking around her at all costs, even though I was still fighting overwhelming cravings. I still had several dark moments that year, but for the first time in a long time, I was finally stringing together days, weeks, and even months of consistent alcohol-free time - something that had filled me with a great deal of hope. 🫶💖

Starting the year off in such a good place led to other positive shifts in my life, especially when the lockdown started. By the Spring of that year, I had started discovering new interests and new groups of people to spend time with, such as the Junior League of Phoenix, Toastmasters, and a Harry Potter-themed book club. I also started making new friends right in my very own neighborhood.

Since walking outside felt like a very safe activity during that time, I did lots of it. I even started getting friendly with other pet parents, especially my neighbor, Melissa, who had just gotten not one but two, English Cream Golden boys shortly after Aurora's arrival! 


The sheer level of anhedonia (a decline in one's ability to feel pleasure) that alcohol had been causing in my life was slowly reversing, and it felt good to feel good again. ♥️ 


“Anhedonia happens because there’s a shortage of the pleasure transmitter dopamine in your brain. For those who are recovering from addiction, this occurs because drugs and alcohol create excessive amounts of dopamine. As a result, the brain (in an attempt to rebalance) stops making dopamine on its own. And since drugs and alcohol are capable of creating such massive amounts of dopamine, it creates a tolerance to dopamine. In fact, this is one reason why it eventually takes more drugs and alcohol to experience the same euphoria. When substances are withdrawn, the brain is left with a high tolerance to dopamine, no supply of it, and a very limited ability to produce it. The result is anhedonia.”

Courtesy of Tree House Recovery 

I had finally shifted out of the danger zone with my drinking and back into the gray area, so when I booked the discovery call in January of 2021 with Jolene, which changed my life forever, she was able to take me on as a client.

By definition, a gray area drinker does not drink in the extreme but instead in the wide spectrum between extreme and now and again (now and again equates to about ten alcoholic beverages consumed annually). A gray area drinker has the ability to stop, but staying stopped proves to be difficult.

Jolene's Gray Area Drinking program includes weekly coaching calls over Zoom and daily email check-ins sent by the client for accountability.  During the weekly coaching calls, Jolene and I would collaborate on what specialized action steps I would take to overcome cravings or feelings of anxiety successfully. In the daily check-ins, I would first confirm that I had remained alcohol-free, and then I would share what action steps I took that day and what shift in my body (if any) that I noticed as a result. By taking this action step every day, I was learning how to pay attention to my body and also rewiring my response to stress. The customized action steps that we came up  with included specific activities such as using a guided imagery app to help me sleep, taking a bath to help me feel relaxed, and walking the dog to release trapped emotions.

By day 2, I started bringing up how an action step involving Aurora boosted my mood - a common theme going forward.


"Hi Jolene,

Check-in for Jan 8th:

Alcohol Free: YES

Action Steps:

I had some stressful things going on yesterday, so I made a point of taking the dog for a walk, while listening to "Your Resonant Self" on Audible. I found the combination of both to help my mood significantly. :)"


Your Co-Regulation Journey: Finding Your Perfect Animal Companion

Because bonding with a pet fosters emotional stability and reduces feelings of isolation, you might consider bringing a mammal into your life if you're struggling. 💜

Whether it's the exuberance of a dog, the grace of a horse, or the mysterious allure of a cat, your chosen companion will stand by your side through life's ups and downs. Remember, this journey is an adventure, and every wagging tail, joyful bark, or comforting nuzzle brings you closer to emotional balance and optimal well-being.

I'm rooting for you! ❤️ 







If you want to explore an alcohol-free life or would like to improve your health, it would be my greatest pleasure to help you on your journey.

I have two different coaching options:

Gray Area Drinking Program

It’s challenging to change your drinking habits - especially when they’ve crept up and have been happening for a long time.

That’s where I can help you. I work holistically, focusing on your gut health, neurotransmitters, and dysregulated nervous system to calm, soothe, and get everything back in balance. I teach you coping mechanisms to deal with the cravings and give you all the tools you need to live an alcohol-free life.

Learn more about my Gray Area Drinking Coaching Program

Health Coaching Program

Are you experiencing sickness, fatigue, depression, pain or weight issues? If so, then your body isn’t working as it should. There are many reasons for these health issues, and sometimes working with a Health Coach can help.

As your Health Coach, I support you through diet and lifestyle changes to help you feel the best you can and live a brighter, happier life.

Learn more about my Health Coaching Program


Take the first step to brighten your life!

Book your FREE consultation to learn more about my Health Coaching and Gray Area Drinking Coaching programs and how I can help you.




Kristin ❤️ x


Illuminating Life! Magical Retreats with Yoga by Bridget


Embracing Resilience: A Birthday Reflection on Living an Alcohol-Free Life