Love Lives Here… Maggie’s Place!

Joyride Society & Kristin Horstman gift to Maggie's Place

A Heartfelt Journey with Maggie's Place: Where Love Transforms Lives

Maggie’s Place provides safe housing and a nurturing community for homeless pregnant women, empowering them to thrive throughout their lifetime.
— Mission Statement – Maggie’s Place

Imagine a place where warmth greets you at the door, where every wall echoes with laughter and support, and where each day is a testament to the power of love and community. That place is Maggie's Place.

Maggie's Place: A Beacon of Hope and Love

In Arizona lies a sanctuary known as Maggie's Place, a beacon of hope and love for homeless pregnant women navigating life's toughest challenges. Founded on the principle that every woman deserves a chance to thrive, Maggie's Place has been a testament to the power of love and community since its inception in 2000. It's not just a shelter; it's a home where "Love Lives Here" is more than their motto—it's a way of life.


One of the Maggie’s Place moms described the impact on moms and their children as: ‘It's love, really, that changed everything, and it all started at Maggie's Place.

Recently, Maggie's Place received a wonderful gift of $5,250, thanks to the Joyride Society and a nomination I was honored to make. This donation is not just about the funds; it's about the promise of transformed lives and brighter futures.

Kristin Horstman presenting the Joyride Society with a check for $5,250
Kristin Horstman with a check for 'Maggie's Place' from the Joyride Society

Through safe housing, nurturing communities, and comprehensive empowerment programs, Maggie's Place is dedicated to transforming lives, one mother and her children at a time.

Katie Kolodziej, the Marketing and Development Manager for Maggie’s Place, invited my husband and me to tour one of the houses – it was the very first home Maggie’s Place launched back in 2000. When we arrived, we were greeted by some staff, volunteers, some of the resident moms and a couple of the babies. We immediately felt the love, warmth, camaraderie, and sense of community inside that home. It was incredibly beautiful. I felt warm fuzzy feelings and was so happy to see the cutest, toothless smiles on the babies and hear their happy giggles.


Embracing with Open Arms

At Maggie's Place, every woman who steps through the door is welcomed into a family, no matter her story or the struggles she's faced. Here, women are not only provided with the essentials—such as safe housing, nutritious food, and access to medical care—but also the invaluable gifts of love, respect, and hope. It's a place where pregnant women who often feel frightened and alone find a community ready to support them in their journey to motherhood and beyond.


Nurturing Futures Together

Maggie's Place has been a nurturing ground for over 1,200 moms and their babies since opening its doors. In 2022 alone, 89 moms found refuge and 39,106 bed nights of shelter were provided, allowing babies to be born into a loving environment. With the expansion from 26 to 34 beds in 2023, Maggie's Place continues to address the growing physical and emotional needs of moms and their children, offering everything from clothing and shelter to transportation for crucial appointments and even to job interviews.

However, the need is ever-growing. With more than 70 pregnant homeless women reaching out each week and only 34 beds available, the harsh reality is that many are turned away. The rising costs of living have only intensified the struggles these families face, making the support provided by Maggie's Place more critical than ever.

In 2022, they saw 1053 visits to the Family Success Center donation pantry, where the families they serve can access essential needs such as food, baby formula, wipes, diapers, bus passes, showers, and even laundry facilities.


The Courage to Overcome: Battling Substance Abuse with Love

In the journey of life, some paths are riddled with obstacles that seem insurmountable. At Maggie's Place, many moms face the added challenge of substance abuse. But here, they're not defined by their struggles; they're empowered to overcome them through love and support.


A Pathway to Healing:

60% of the mothers that Maggie's Place serves struggle with substance use disorders, and Maggie’s Place is committed to helping them thrive. As someone who struggled with Alcohol Use Disorder several years ago and now working in this field myself, it means a lot to me that Maggie's Place recognizes the profound impact a stable and loving environment has in helping people overcome their substance abuse. 


Maggie’s Place is committed to getting these women off the street so that they can be in a loving, stable home environment and provides easy access to services they need, such as: 

  • Sober Living Activities: Engaging programs designed to foster a substance-free lifestyle.

  • SMART Recovery Meetings: Evidence-based support groups aiding long-term recovery.

  • Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor: Professional guidance to navigate the challenges of addiction and recovery.


A Lifetime of Empowerment

At Maggie’s Place, they have a saying, ‘Once a Maggie’s Place mom, always a Maggie’s Place mom.’ So whether a mom stays with them for one week or a year or more, they are an alumni mom - A Maggie’s Place mom for life!

In 2022, moms, including alumni moms, participated in 1951 classes, support groups and educational opportunities.

Every support given by Maggie’s Place to these families is dedicated to helping them thrive throughout their lifetime – even after leaving Maggie’s Place. The care continues as much as possible, assisting with transitional housing needs and expenses - whether that's putting down a deposit, helping with furniture for their new home, or assisting to reunite the mom with her other children and family.


Join Us on This Journey of Love and Transformation

The story of Maggie's Place is a powerful reminder of the impact love, compassion, and community can have on individuals and families. The recent support from the Joyride Society is a beautiful chapter in this ongoing story of hope and resilience.

On a personal note, my husband is adopted. His birth mother had him when she was 16. So, it means a lot to us both to be able to support a charity that takes such good care of these pregnant women in need.

Maggie's Place is one of the few programs in the U.S. offering long-term housing and resources for pregnant and homeless women. Yet, the need surpasses the available resources, and every bit of support makes a difference.


Here's how you can be a part of this beautiful journey:

Lend Your Support: Whether it's through donations, volunteering, or simply spreading the word, your help can light up lives.

Share the Love: By sharing the story of Maggie's Place, you're not just telling a story; you're inviting others to become a part of something truly special.

Maggie's Place offers a safe haven for homeless pregnant women and a pathway to a brighter, more stable future. By supporting this remarkable organization, we can all contribute to nurturing the next generation and empowering mothers to lead fulfilling lives.


Let's come together to make a difference, one heart, one mom at a time.


Remember, sunsets 🌅 are the new happy hour, and I’m rooting for you!

Kristin 🫶



How I Can Help You 🌅

If you want to explore an alcohol-free life or would like to improve your health, it would be my greatest pleasure to help you on your journey.

I have two different coaching options:

Health Coaching Program

Are you experiencing sickness, fatigue, depression, pain or weight issues?

If so, then your body isn’t working as it should.

There are many reasons for these health issues, and sometimes working with a Health Coach can help.

As your Health Coach, I support you through diet and lifestyle changes to help you feel the best you can and live a brighter, happier life.

Gray Area Drinking (GAD) Program

It’s challenging to change your drinking habits - especially when they’ve crept up and have been happening for a long time.

That’s where I can help you. I work holistically, focusing on your gut health, neurotransmitters, and dysregulated nervous system to calm, soothe, and get everything back in balance. I teach you coping mechanisms to deal with cravings and give you all the tools you need to live an alcohol-free life.


Take the first step to brighten your life!

Book your FREE consultation to learn more about my Health Coaching and Gray Area Drinking Coaching programs and how I can help you.




Kristin ❤️ x


Alcohol and Oral Health: Protect Your Smile


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