29 Days To Freedom: Take the Leap with Me This February!

29 Days to Freedom! Take the Leap with me this February 2024.


Group Coaching Program for
Sober & Gray Area DrinkING WOMEN!

Learn how to replenish your neurotransmitters, combat cravings and anxious feelings, and how to rewire your stress response.

You Get:

  • Exclusive Facebook group

  • Connection and accountability

  • 5 Zoom group coaching calls

  • Access to replays if you miss the group coaching session

  • FREE 20-minute Discovery Call to see if you’re a good fit for the program

  • Special super low introductory pricing! Just $99 per participant


I’m super excited to share my upcoming group coaching program for sober and gray area drinking women who are looking to heal cravings and reduce anxiety.

What I love about this program is that it's a great way to get support, accountability, and community after Dry January is done.

29 Days to Freedom Group Coaching Program

The program includes:

  • Exclusive Facebook group

  • Connection and accountability

  • 5 Zoom group coaching calls

  • Access to replays if you miss the group coaching session

  • FREE 20-minute Discovery Call to see if you’re a good fit for the program

  • Special super low introductory pricing! Just $99 per participant


How “29 Days to Freedom: Take the Leap with Me This February!” can help you!

During the 29 Days to Freedom program, you will learn how to replenish your neurotransmitters, how to combat cravings and anxious feelings, and how to rewire your stress response so that reaching for a healthy tool becomes automatic instead of alcohol.

Included with the program is a private Facebook group just for participants, which will help to foster connection and accountability. There will be a mix of informational, motivational, and engaging posts!

There will be a total of 5 Zoom calls that will be scheduled for Wednesdays at 12pm EST, starting with our 1st call on February 7th, and after that on the 14th, 21st, 28th, and ending on March 6.

If you miss the call Live, then you will have access to the replays.

As this is my introductory group coaching program, I’ve priced 29 Days to Freedom at the super low, introductory price of $99 per participant.

For every person who participates in the group coaching program, you and I will have a brief 20-minute Discovery Call so that I can make sure you will be a good fit and that you do qualify as a Gray Area Drinker.

Let’s chat!



So many people are participating in Dry January these days - in fact, more than 39 million Americans pledged to practice Dry January last year (2023), according to Time Magazine with almost 9 million people in the UK also taking a break from drinking during the same time (Alcohol Change UK).

Dry January was officially launched by Alcohol Change UK in 2013, but people have been practicing sobriety at the beginning of each year since 1942 when Finland embraced going alcohol-free as part of their war efforts against the Soviet Union. So, there’s a long history of focusing on a healthier lifestyle each January, and its popularity continues to grow by millions of people worldwide every year.

I think this awareness and acceptance of going alcohol-free is very exciting!

 If you’d like more information on Dry January, Zero Proof Experiences, who hosts the amazing ‘Sober In the City’ (SITC) Events, have a free fact sheet you can download.

Grab your Fact Sheet HERE: Dry January Trends for 2024 

If you’d like to learn more about the upcoming SITC Tampa Event this February 9-11, check out my blog article:

Get Ready for Sober in The City Tampa, February 2024! 

What happens after Dry January? 🤔

I know that for many people, once they’ve finished Dry January, they are going to realize they needed willpower or felt deprived, or didn't know what to do if they were stressed out while going alcohol-free because they're so used to reaching for a drink to calm their nerves.

I also know that people are going to wake up on February 1, and they just won't know what to do. 😳

They're going to be missing the collective support that they had with the popularity of the Dry January movement, or they might "reward" themselves with a drink or drinks and then they get right back on the drinking merry-go-round.

But instead of dry-knuckling it or letting FOMO get in the way, what if there was a better way to keep up the #AlcoholFree momentum?

What if you could start to improve your sleep, boost your energy, and reduce feelings of anxiety, cravings, and depression?

Because alcohol wreaks so much havoc on our brain chemicals, nervous systems, and bodies in general, we have to do things that build our bodies back up.


Get all the details about my new group coaching program “29 Days to Freedom! Take the Leap with Me This February.”

29 Days to Freedom: Take the Leap with Me This February Group Coaching Program

So, what is Gray Area Drinking?

The old way of looking at drinking in very black-and-white terms is extremely outdated. It's no longer a case of, "These people have a problem, and these people don't."

The medical community has recognized that drinking is a spectrum. The gray area is between one end, which we call "now and again" drinking (aka drinking so rare that you drink 10 alcoholic beverages in a calendar year) and the other end, which is the very extreme kind of "rock bottom" drinking, where you are unable to stop, and need medical intervention.

Millions of people are in the gray area, and in fact, this is where the majority of drinkers are.

Lots of different terms fit into this category: "moderate," "social," "problem," "dependent," and varying levels of Alcohol Use Disorder. It's all gray area.

Personally, I spent 20 years of my adult life drinking alcohol.

I drank alcohol when I was happy, sad, or anxious and when I needed to numb uncomfortable feelings. I drank on the weekends, at happy hours, and at parties.

I didn’t know it at the time, but I was drinking in the gray area.

From the outside, my drinking appeared “normal” until one day, it didn’t.

Eventually, I learned that “normal” is a MYTH because there is #NoSafeAmount of alcohol consumption.

Thankfully, the spark inside of me that wanted a better life and freedom from the shackles of alcohol was bright enough to make a forever change.

And now, I'm celebrating more than three years of Freedom from Alcohol. 🙌


29 Days to Freedom! Take the Leap with me this February Group Coaching Program

if you’d like support continuing the momentum of dry january, join me for “29 Days to Freedom: Take the Leap with Me This February” Group Coaching program for only $99!


Chat with me to see if this is for you! 

Want More Info? Get the details HERE!

Remember, sunsets 🌅 are the new happy hour, and I’m rooting for you!

Kristin 🫶



How I Can Help You 🌅

If you want to explore an alcohol-free life or would like to improve your health, it would be my greatest pleasure to help you on your journey.

I have two different coaching options:

Health Coaching Program

Are you experiencing sickness, fatigue, depression, pain or weight issues?

If so, then your body isn’t working as it should.

There are many reasons for these health issues, and sometimes working with a Health Coach can help.

As your Health Coach, I support you through diet and lifestyle changes to help you feel the best you can and live a brighter, happier life.

Gray Area Drinking (GAD) Program

It’s challenging to change your drinking habits - especially when they’ve crept up and have been happening for a long time.

That’s where I can help you. I work holistically, focusing on your gut health, neurotransmitters, and dysregulated nervous system to calm, soothe, and get everything back in balance. I teach you coping mechanisms to deal with cravings and give you all the tools you need to live an alcohol-free life.


Take the first step to brighten your life!

Book your FREE consultation to learn more about my Health Coaching and Gray Area Drinking Coaching programs and how I can help you.




Kristin ❤️ x


Heading to Tampa: Ready for the Magic of Sober in the City! ✨


The Power of Gray Area Drinking (GAD) Coaching & Living Without a Divided Mind 🚫🍷✈️😌💕