Discover the Joy of Alcohol-Free Living: Mocktails & Mindfulness

Moscow mule mocktail-Better Living Blog by Kristin Horstman

Joyful Alcohol-Free Living Guide

For me, alcohol-free living is like an exhilarating dive into the sparkling waters of a crystal-clear fresh stream. It’s transformational and life-refreshing.

I endured a three-year roller-coaster ride from hell, struggling to overcome my drinking and relationship with alcohol, and the turning point was participating in Gray Area Drinking Coaching. It changed my life in endless, positive, and sometimes unexpected ways.


Gray Area Drinking (GAD) Coaching isn't your typical one-size-fits-all approach. It's a tailor-made suit that fits the unique contours of your life, and it was the lifebuoy that saw me through those tempestuous three years of trial and error. The GAD Coaching method is so effective because it's not just about cutting out alcohol; it's about carving out a new identity and incorporating the magic of routine and playfulness into your life.


Being authentic aligns you with your true self


After several years of trying different strategies to stop drinking, I finally found the missing piece.

This time, it felt different. The power of nervous system regulation, daily accountability, and neuroplasticity was healing my craving brain. ❤️‍🩹🧠

To create a new routine and activities I enjoyed, I switched my drinking to making mocktails, made sunsets my new happy hour, and enjoyed walks with my beautiful fur-baby, Aurora. These became some of my treasured daily habits. 😊

Sharing my new mocktail recipes during daily check-ins with my GAD Coach became a highlight of my days. Plus, it was so much fun buying the ingredients, experimenting in the kitchen, taking pictures, and then enjoying the decadent, alcohol-free masterpiece that I made with my own hands. 🙌 🚫🍹😋


I began casting a vote for my new identity (a concept created by James Clear, author of “Atomic Habits”).

The January book of the month in my book group, The Sober Edge Book Club (#WhereAllOfTheSoberLadiesHangout), was Atomic Habits. One of the things that stood out to me when I read the book, was James Clear’s voting analogy and the importance of identity. He says, “No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity," and "True behavior change is identity change. You might start a habit because of motivation, but the only reason you'll stick with one is that it becomes part of your identity.” In other words, the goal is not to quit smoking, the goal is become a nonsmoker. The goal is not to get up early, the goal is to become an early riser, and so forth.

As each day passed in 2021, I let my coach know in my check-ins that I had remained alcohol-free for the day, and at the same time, I was actually carving out my alcohol-free identity. An identity that has left me forever changed and living my best, happiest life. 💖

In the early days of my alcohol-free adventure, I was scared and hesitant to share my journey with friends and family and even more terrified of talking about it publicly on social media. The very thought sent shivers down my spine. Will I be judged? Misunderstood? Or will I be labeled as someone with a ‘problem’? Yet, with each post and conversation, I found a piece of myself - and it was liberating.

As I started to shed the weight of others' expectations and openly talk about my journey, I found my wings, which opened up the space for me to not only heal but to thrive. ❤️‍🩹  The words of my counselor still echo in my heart. She said that my talking about and sharing my journey with others was a sign that I was being authentic and created alignment with who I really am.

That affirmation was my rocket fuel! It helped propel me forward to actively take the steps I needed to create new neural pathways, experiment, and HAVE FUN in my alcohol-free life.

I remember when I first mixed a mocktail with @seedlipdrinks back in January 2021. I was a fledgling in the world of GAD, but I was building my confidence and enjoying the process.

From the first refreshing sip of a homemade mocktail to the pure, unadulterated joy of watching a sunset with a clear and present mind, every day was a step towards healing. I was creating ‘ING’ experiences that screamed, "I am alive, and I am joyous!"

My very first mocktail was a twist on the classic Moscow Mule, so I’m sharing the recipe with you here! I hope you enjoy making it (and drinking it!) as much as I still do.



Moscow Mule Mocktail 

Seedlip Grove 42 citrus-Moscow Mule Mocktail ingredients


  • Seedlip Grove 42 Citrus

  • A zing of organic ginger juice

  • A splash of organic lemon juice

  • Fizzy sparkling water, and

  • A hint of monkfruit sweetener



Mix it all together & enjoy!


It’s a symphony of flavors that dance on the tongue, an NA delight!



This journey is about more than just saying no to alcohol. It's about saying yes to life, to joy, to the countless possibilities that unfold when your mind is clear and your spirit is unburdened. So, why not cast your own vote for a new identity, one sip of a mocktail at a time?

Stay tuned for more tales of alcohol-free escapades, and remember, every day is a chance to mix a little more happiness into your life.


Remember, sunsets 🌅 are the new happy hour, and I’m rooting for you!

Kristin 🫶



How I Can Help You 🌅

If you want to explore an alcohol-free life or would like to improve your health, it would be my greatest pleasure to help you on your journey.

I have two different coaching options:

Health Coaching Program

Are you experiencing sickness, fatigue, depression, pain or weight issues?

If so, then your body isn’t working as it should.

There are many reasons for these health issues, and sometimes working with a Health Coach can help.

As your Health Coach, I support you through diet and lifestyle changes to help you feel the best you can and live a brighter, happier life.

Gray Area Drinking (GAD) Program

It’s challenging to change your drinking habits - especially when they’ve crept up and have been happening for a long time.

That’s where I can help you. I work holistically, focusing on your gut health, neurotransmitters, and dysregulated nervous system to calm, soothe, and get everything back in balance. I teach you coping mechanisms to deal with cravings and give you all the tools you need to live an alcohol-free life.


Take the first step to brighten your life!

Book your FREE consultation to learn more about my Health Coaching and Gray Area Drinking Coaching programs and how I can help you.




Kristin ❤️ x


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